Wednesday 28 July 2021

Now we have 12 leads, we need to know which regions of the heart each lead is looking at and what groups they make up.

Regions of the Heart

  • AVL is on the left wrist or shoulder and looks at the upper left side of the heart.
  • Lead l travels towards AVL creating a second high lateral lead.
  • AVf is on the left ankle or left lower abdomen and looks at the bottom, or inferior wall, of the heart.
  • Lead ll travels from AVr towards AVf to become a 2nd inferior lead
  • Lead lll travels from AVL towards AVf to become a 3rd inferior lead.
  • V2 V3 and V4 look at the front of the heart and are the anterior leads.
  • V1 is often ignored but if changes occur in V! and V2 only, these leads are referred to as Septal leads.
  • V5 and V6 look at the left side of the heart and are the lateral leads.

The ECG below shows where these leads are when printed.

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