Tuesday 31 August 2021

NGO Africa : One Africa


 Sustainable One-Africa (SOA)

One Africa is an NGO 

1.0 Executive Summary.. 1

Chart: Highlights. 1

1.1 Objectives. 1

1.2 Mission.. 2

2.0 Organization Summary.. 2

2.1 Legal Entity.. 2

2.2 Start-up Summary.. 2

Table: Start-up.. 3

Table: Start-up Funding.. 4

Chart: Start-up.. 5

3.0 Products. 5/ services 

4.0 Market Analysis Summary.. 5

4.1 Market Segmentation.. 6

Chart: Market Analysis (Pie). 6

Table: Market Analysis. 7

4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy.. 7

4.3 Service Providers Analysis. 7

4.3.1 Alternatives and Usage Patterns. 7

5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary.. 8

5.1 Competitive Edge.. 8

5.2 Fundraising Strategy.. 8

5.2.1 Funding Forecast. 8

Chart: Funding Monthly.. 9

Table: Funding Forecast. 9

5.3 Milestones. 9

6.0 Management Summary.. 10

6.1 Personnel Plan.. 10

7.0 Financial Plan.. 10

7.1 Important Assumptions. 10

Table: General Assumptions. 10

7.2 Break-even Analysis. 11

7.2 Break-even Analysis. 11

Chart: Break-even Analysis. 11

Table: Break-even Analysis. 11

7.3 Projected Surplus or Deficit. 12

7.3 Projected Surplus or Deficit. 12

Table: Surplus and Deficit. 12

7.4 Projected Cash Flow.. 13

7.4 Projected Cash Flow.. 13

Chart: Cash.. 13

Table: Cash Flow.. 14

7.5 Projected Balance Sheet. 15

7.5 Projected Balance Sheet. 15

Table: Balance Sheet. 15

Table: Funding Forecast. 1

Table: General Assumptions. 2

Table: General Assumptions. 2

Table: Surplus and Deficit. 3

Table: Surplus and Deficit. 3

Table: Cash Flow.. 4

Table: Cash Flow.. 4

Table: Balance Sheet. 6

Table: Balance Sheet. 6

 3.0 Products/ services  

areas : agriculture/farming/food production/environmental Sustainability/ Health promotion / Civic awareness/ patriotism  ... and leadership 

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